A multicategory is a categorical structure that consists of objects and multimorphisms, whose domain consists of a finite (possibly empty) string of objects, and whose codomain consists of a single object. Their composition and identity, as well as the unity and associativity properties, are well modeled by the extension of the free monoid monad on \(\mathsf{Set}\) to the (proarrow) equipment \(\mathsf{Span}(\mathsf{Set})\) of spans in \(\mathsf{Set}\). Multicategories, together with their respective functors, can be obtained by considering a suitable kind of algebra with respect to the extended free monoid monad on \(\mathsf{Span}(\mathsf{Set})\).
This abstraction can be carried out with any cartesian monad \(T\) on a category \(\mathcal A\) with pullbacks. We have an extension of \(T\) to the equipment \(\mathsf{Span}(\mathcal{A})\) of spans in \(\mathcal A\), and the respective "\(T\)-algebras" are the so-called \(T\)-categories internal to \(\mathcal A\), whose category we denote by \(\mathsf{Cat}(T,\mathcal A)\). Most importantly, if we are provided with another cartesian monad \(S\) on a category \(\mathcal B\), and a suitable monad morphism \((F,\phi) \colon (\mathcal A, T) \to (\mathcal B, S)\), it was shown in [3] that \((F,\phi)\) induces a change-of-base functor \(\mathsf{Cat}(T,\mathcal A) \to \mathsf{Cat}(S,\mathcal B)\).
The enriched counterpart of such generalized multicategories were first considered in [1]; in essence, enriched \((T,\mathcal V)\)-categories can be obtained as the "\(T\)-algebras" for a suitable monad \(T\) on the equipment \(\mathcal V\)-\(\mathsf{Mat}\), where the enriching category \(\mathcal V\) is a suitable monoidal category. Likewise, these also have a notion of change-of-base functors.
In general, we can consider horizontal lax \(T\)-algebras [2] for a lax monad \(T\) on a pseudodouble category \(\mathbb D\), special cases of which are enriched and internal generalized multicategories. This talk aims to present notions of change-of-base functors between such horizontal lax algebras, the study of which was motivated by understanding the relationship between enriched and internal multicategorical structures, the main topic of study of [4], joint work with F. Lucatelli Nunes.
We assume the basics of double category theory, and some familiarity with multicategories will prove to be worthwhile.
- M. M. Clementino, W. Tholen. Metric, topology and multicategory -- a common approach. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, (179):13--47, 2003.
- G. Cruttwell, M. Shulman. A unified framework for generalized multicategories. Theory Appl. Categ., 24(21):580--655, 2010.
- T. Leinster. Higher Operads, Higher Categories, volume 298 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
- R. Prezado, F. Lucatelli Nunes. Generalized multicategories: change-of-base, embedding and descent. To appear in Appl. Categ. Structures.